The must-have products to achieve a perfect result!
The LMA MACHINE mechanical grinding system allows, through the use of our machines and treatment with tools and chemicals, to restore and transform all floors making them shiny, wear-resistant, less prone to the absorption of dirt by staining agents and therefore easier to clean. The use of chemicals will be able to consolidate and protect floors that will withstand even the most intense traffic.
LMA solutions for ordinary and extraordinary cleaning allow to quickly and deeply restore the original appearance of the surface: Remove all types of dirt and residues without damaging the material. Acidic, alkaline and neutral detergents.
Consolidante e sigillante per cemento e pietre naturali. Silicato disponibile nelle versioni sodio-potasso e litio. Ottimo protettivo indurente che riduce la permeabilità all'acqua e aumenta la resistenza all'aggressione acida degli agenti chimici. A termine trattamento la superficie acquista maggiore durezza e resistenza ai graffi.